Mon 06 Jan
♥_♥ -- -24/7 -- ♥ ——█ ♥ S_E_❌ X❌_❌_Y_😍 _ H_O_T_ 😍 N_i_R_v_A_n_A_ ♥ █—— ♥ —— █ ♥ ♥ ♥ -619 219 15 90 - 22
(San Diego)
佐倉ナディア REAL ASIAN Lady gwa gwa - will pass through for a short time, 我们获得乐趣 see if we match 楽しい時を過そ - 23
(passing through in front of you *hi, San Diego)
°5★ VISITING The one and ONLY # ❶ elite ASIAN playmate __________
(San Diego, San Diego / North Park)
24/7 Avaliable NoW FoR HoT FaNtASyS U WiLl LoVe ThE WaY I WiLl TrAy U WILL BE WORTH IT - 23
@@@@-hot Latina TS Beauty. (Here,Forget About it Rushing) Escondido Area - 23
(North country Escondido, San Diego)
24/7 AvAILABLE NoW ReAdy To Make U FaNtaSy CoMe TrUe. Be ReAdy TO LiVe A HOT ExPeRiEnCE .. - 23
((💥❤️💥 SUPER HOT 💥❤️💥)-:¦:- TS 💥VISITING 💥 SAN DIEGO 💥NEW VIDEO !!! I !💥❤️👅 - 25
(Near Down Town SD, San Diego)
#1 Im AWAKE FUncTional ❤ 8.5 HUNG 💋 CUDDLE 👯 TOP & boTTom▐Love TO KiSs 💦 S E X Y👙 No RuSh❤ - 23
(Hotel Circle, San Diego)
*♛* *:.♥ ;:*¨¨*: YUMMY EXOTIC SENSUAL PRINCESS :*¨¨*:. ♥:*¨ *♛* - 20
(North SD County, North county Outcalls)
★ YoUr FavoRiTe SeXy ExOtiC ASiaN Is BaCk Call Me ! - 18
(North SD County, Oceanside)
UR Paradise GetAway Is Right Here Between My Theighs Doing Things U Could Only Dream Of ( GR E EK )
(8west exit rosecrans st)
VISITING-:¦:- ~*-:¦:-*~ S D U C i V ~*-:*~ DANGROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ ADDiCTiNG -:¦:- - 26
(City of San Diego, San Diego Outcalls)
Virgin Tight Yet Total Freak Busty Blonde Big Booty NYC Cum Shooting SLUT!!!! 619 634 2291
(miss val/sports arena/hotel cir/down twn)
*:.♥ :*¨¨*::* Visiting ... EUROPEAN ... Cutie ...- Ultimate GFE *:.♥ :*¨¨*::* - 22
(hotel circle)
ÅVÅILÅBL N0W!! --->> NW PiC§ :* ★ *: HOLiDÅY TRÅT :* ★ *:§PCIÅL§ - 20
»--(¯`v´¯)-» C 3 R T ! F ! 3 D *2* $ @ T ! $ F Y »--(¯`v´¯)-» !!!!!!!100% Real Pictures - 19
(City of San Diego, mission valley)
»-(¯`v´¯)-»MoN 100 SPeCIAlS eXOtIC * BOMBSHELL * AVaILABlE NOw »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 21
(City of San Diego, Clairemont IN & OUTCALLS ALL OVER)
😘💖😘VIOLET 💯%Real 💯%soft & sweet 😘💖😘True Companion 😘💖😘well REVIEWED 😘💖😘I am the SPECIAL - 45
(Escondido incalls🚘OUTCALLS surrounding, North SD County, San Diego)
▐▐ 💜 ▃▃▃▃▃💜UPSCALE 💜▐▐▐▐▐💜ESCORT💜 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 💜 FIRST CLASS 💜 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▐▐ TOP QUALITY ▐▐ - 22
(City of San Diego, Downtown and Surrounding Areas, San Diego)
*!*!Upscale Exotic Brunette BOMBSHELL Available Now*!*! - 27
(City of San Diego, Upscale Mission Valley Incall)
★ █ VEGAS' #1 EBONY/ASIAN PLAYMATE Reviewed & Safe! █★ - 21
(SDSU/Miss Valley IN/OUT)
T E A L T I M E .....T O D A Y ~ wendesday ~ 10-12 & 10/13 ~ in calls off miramar rd - 40
(City of San Diego, Miramar Rd., San Diego)
•❣• T H E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ ♥ ♡•❣• -brunette - 21
💖 █ 🌟 T▒H▒E __ █ 🌴 U▒L▒T▒I▒M▒A▒T▒E __ █ __ C▒H▒O▒I▒C▒E 🌴__ █ __ 🌟█ 💖FREAKY CALI GIRL ♡ - 23
(City of San Diego, Solana Beach/Del Mar/Encinitas)
(TER)Reviewed Indulge AVAILABLE NOW Kinky/Slut Adult-Play Specialist UNRUSHED & Unforgettable! 8/Fwy - 23
(8/Fwy Mission Valley Hotel Circle (Outs))
___ {{ THE }} _____ {{ HOTTEST }} ______ {{ PETITE }} ______ {{ LATINA }} _____ {{ IN MIRA MESA }} - 19
█ ▒▒💜▒▒ █ SᎬXY❥BᎬᎪUTY █ ▒💜▒▒ █ ᎪN ᎬXPᎬRiᎬNCᎬ ██▒ U WᎾN'T FᎾRGᎬT ██ ▒▒💜▒▒█ Y͎U͎M͎M͎Y͎❥RᎬᎪDY █▒▒ - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego Outcall ALL NIGHT)
TAKE A°•°•*• »-(¯`v´¯)-» FIRST ✈ CLASS ✈ ✈TO ✈ PLEASURE »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 100SPECIAL come see me:) - 23
(City of San Diego, point loma)
🚦🏪 Special Delivery ASIAN First Class Companion - 29
SPECIALS_ ★ ONE ☆ IN ★ A M l L L I O N ☆__ H_O T T _I _ E _ PETITE BLONDE - 21
(North SD County, CHULA VISTA (5fwy) / incall)
★█★█★█★█★█★ SnEaK aWaY & pLaY w/ BiG TiTtiEs ★ INCALL oNLy★█★█★█★█★█★ - 23
(North SD County, off the 78 in VISTA)
*~) * (~*~) * (~*~) * (~ Southern ~**~ Strawberry ~**~ Sunshine ~)* (~*~)* (~*~)* (~* - 24
slim, new, cute and playful ! fellas, invite this spanish hottie over.. - 21
(East SD County, San Diego)
*SouthBay * Sweet Petite Asian Treat hosting1OO SpeCiaL*CV - 21
(South SD County, 32nd/National city/otay/ChulaVista/IB)
° °★° ° { SOPHIA } :* ☆ ¨*: { EUROPA } :*★¨*: {Specials}: * - 21
(City of San Diego, Point Loma Incall /Outcalls)
★█★█★█★█★█★ SnEaK aWaY & pLaY w/ BiG TiTtiEs ★ INCALL oNLy ★LasT dAy $100 █★█★█★█★█★ - 24
(North SD County, ★iN ViStA ★ SyCamOrE)
Sizzling Mix BombShell Beauty W/ Hazle Bedroom Eyes 24hr - 30
(City of San Diego, MY PRIVATE LOCATION)
SMOKiN' HOT ____ ★ █ SEXY & PETiTE █ ★ ____ BRUNETTE ____ DREAM - 23
(City of San Diego, mira mesa blvd /sorento valley)
★⏝★ —————— Simply AMAZING Experience —————— GRAND OPENING SPECIAL —————— NICE - 25
(City of San Diego, Garnet Ave ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 92109 —————— IN CALL)
SNoW WHiTe SKiN & PiNK 💋 iN & ouT MY PRiVaTe PLaCe 💎 1oo% REAL & PeTiTe - 21
(City of San Diego, EL CAJON, OCEANSIDE, DOWNTOWN, San Diego)
Skilled💦 Spontaneous👅 Curvy🍫 !waiting to Satisfy U - 26
(East SD County, San Diego, Sorrento Valley,Mira Mesa,Caramel Mesa)
Sexy Ebony Babe With Specials 35 15 min 40 30min 80 hr Real Pics - 24
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
💖🌹💖🌹💖 SEXY BRUNETTE 🌹💖🌹💖🌹 new and beautiful 🌺🌺🌺🌺 outcall only hotel friendly 🌺🌺🌺🌺 - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego outcall hotels, house, apt.)
♥ ——_ SEXY _—— ♥ ——_ JASMINE _ —— ♥ ——_ Available Now!! - 18
(North SD County, mission valley/ waring rd)
Saturday Treat *Uptown Girl proffesional relax Zero Drama Gentlemans* - 28
(City of San Diego, Mission Bay Drive/ 5fwy / PB /OB)
Upscale Location❤️MUST SEE VIDEO❤️STOP Being Bored or Lonely! Come have fun with a Real Natural Beauty!! In/Out - 21
(San Diego, ❤️COLLEGE AREA❤️)
💞💕💞BEST sheCOCK ENTERTAINMENT 💕💖💕 Now in San Diego✨Ts Tangie✨xxL 11" Magnum sheCocK💞💖💞Horny & Ready NOW - 24
(San Diego, San Diego💋DOWNTOWN DOWNTOWN💋San Diego)
🐝YOUR favorite🐝🔝 ExOtiC JuiCy UpScaLe AsiAn Available Now 🐝 UP all night ⚠ Ask For My SpeCiaLs ! - 21
(City of San Diego, chula vista / incalls only)
YoUr NaUgHtY LiTtLe SeCrEtS...*** 2girl Specials..***.-INCALLS ONLY - 22
(City of San Diego, chula vista INCALLS ONLY)
💖(Y_O_U_R_E) °°•💖•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•💖•°° (L_O_V_E__M_E)💖 - 24
(City of San Diego, Outcall San Diego Hotel Friendly)
__________ __________ Sweet Filipina! __________ _________ Available NOW __________ __________ - 23
(City of San Diego, Clairemont Kearny Mesa Mission Valley)
◆💋💋💎(Y_O_U_R'_E ) °°•★•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•★•°° (L_O_V_E_) °°•★•°° (T_H_I_S) AvAiLaBlE N♥W! 💎 - 21
(North SD County, Oceanside incalls)
SpEcIALs💎allUNeed [•gORGeous_ ; LiPsz•] 💋;{ sEXy CuRVy-BoDY} 💗💕TaStyBabe💋 •^ *^• 💎🎀 - 23
(North SD County, Carlsbad.Oceanside.Vista.Encinitas)
******^^^^^ That Special One ^^^^ Incall specials^^^^ Military OK ----> REAL - 22
(North SD County, mission valley all of San Diego)
♥ ♥ [THICK White GiRL】 ✓【 Big BOotY】✓OutCalls ✓ ♥ 【100% REAL PICS】 ✓ 【BlonDe MixXed BeaUty】 ♥ ♥ - 24
(City of San Diego, Incalls La Mesa Friars rd 163 fwy)