Sat 11 Jan
BeAuTiFuL ^^ BLonDe^^ PerFeCt BoDy TiGht & SwEEt _______LeAVinG SooN !!! - 22
°*° *° Av AiL ABlE°**° R iGhT °**° N 0W - 21
(City of San Diego, OUTCALL ONLY)
Avail Now!!! At your service 24/7 (((Freaky))) cutie!!!! - 22
(North SD County, North County Outcalls)
#1 BlonDe BabE ** PetitE ColleGe BaBe ** (( SpeCialS All DaY )) Real Pix// ReaL GirL - 22
(North SD County, oceanside)
★ IRRESISTIBLY ★ Sexy ★ BRUNETTE ★ Bombshell ★ Give ME A Call ★ - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego Outcall (I COME2 YOU))
**I'm Back** Elite Sensual Exotic Playful Sophisticated Stunning* Call Me Now! $300$ $pecial$ - 25
(North SD County, Upscale Hotel)
____ 🌟🌟 _____💕💘💕 HIGHLY Reviewed H0ttIE 💘💘 💘 BUSTY blonde 💕💘💕 ____ 🌟🌟 ___ - 26
(City of San Diego, OUTS ALL OVER)
E-X-O-T-I-C__ B-E-A-U-T-Y __ W-I-T-H __ A __ F-I-N-E __ B-O-O-T-Y_(100% REAL PICS - 24
(City of San Diego)
🌺Gorgeous Hawaiian Spinner 🌸Let's have s💌me 💋UNTOLD FUN BOYS 💋 - 21
(North SD County, Mira mesa /Outcalls)
***Double the Pleasure, Double the FUN!! Ask about the 2 girl special!***619 799 1881 - 25
(City of San Diego, Outcall Only)
Bajai now hostiNG San Diego sexy big booty treat 5593179792 - 20
(South SD County, south san diego outcalls only)
👉CoMe TaKe A LoAd 💦Off ❗WiTh ThiS 42DD ThiCk EboNy BeAuTy❕👈✨$60 Specials All NiGht❗️✨ - 21
(North SD County, ALL SAN DIEGO COUNTY(Incalls/Outcalls))
GoRgEous Ts AvAilable FoR HoT FaNtAsY CoMe TrUe DoNT Be ShYe AnD CaLl NoW SeXy AnGeL WiLl MakE IT Ha - 23
FuNcTiOnAlBIG BIG JuIcY sURpRiSe Ts AvAiLaBlE fOr HoT eNcOuNtErS - 23
(San Diego, (SD CITY HEIGHTS AND FWY 15 ))
[[ TREAT ]] yourself // dont [[ CHEAT ]] yourself ====>> 100% REAL // Bl0NdE BaBe - 30
(North SD County, Rancho Bernardo in/out, San Diego)
TRoPiCaL... rOseGoLd paRtyGiRL ;) _____☆ pLaYtiMe is NOW ☆ - 24
(City of San Diego, 24/ seVeN $1oo oUtCaLL SpeCiaL)
_*U_N_L_ I_M _I_T_E_D*_ _*P_L_E_A_ S_U_R_E*_ (626)316-3528 -SEXY DOMINICAN HOTTIE - - 22
(City of San Diego, san diego)
TWO Scrumcious Playmates AVAILABLE NOW. Message us for so REAL FUN. 858-705-5420 - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
( TRiNiTY AM0RETTi ) ——— • REDHEAD G0DDESS • —— ♥ Sexy T0NED B0DY ♥ ————— • ( Y0UR ATF German ) - 24
(City of San Diego, ❤ MISSION VALLEY IN & SD COUNTY OUT ❤)
↘‿↗⁀↘ ↘‿↗⁀↘ ↘‿↗⁀↘ U L T I M A T E ↘‿↗⁀↘ F R E A K ↘↗↘↗↘ E X P E R I E N C E↗⁀↘ ↘‿↗⁀↘ ↘‿↗⁀↘ - - 24
(City of San Diego, My Place/ Miramar/Mira Mesa)
U_ p_ S_ c_ A_ L_ e__ B_ e _ A_ u_ T_ y__ U_ p_ S_ c_ A_ L_ e__ T_ r_ E_ a_ T_ m_ E_ n_ T_ - 25
tHicK! sWeEt! jUicY fRuiTt! (bBw)*48eE's* sUpEr hOt! sUpEr sExY!! cUm2mE b4 itZ 2LaTe*80 - 34
(North SD County, oceanside)
Sweet Latina lilly! New to Escondido !!!..... - 20
(North SD County, Oceanside! In call ! Outcalls tooooo)
(oceanside incalls ,outcalls)
🆗....STOP WAISTING ⏰....CALL ME NOW❗❗💲70qwk 100Hhr💲🆗....STOP WAISTING ⏰....CALL ME NOW❗❗ - 22
(City of San Diego, mission valley / INCALL, San Diego)
~*~ SPECIALS ~*~ {DrippiNg WeTT} YouNg TighT FuN * I WaNNa SLiDe DowN YoUr PoLE ~*~ - 21
Stop Here !! Stop Here!! Sexy and blonde 100 Special - 21
(North SD County, Rancho Bernardo incalls, San Diego)
💋💦Sexy Lexi Latina Back In Town Ready To Please💦💋 - 19
(City of San Diego, Downtown San Diego Incalls, San Diego)
SeXy PLAYMATE [ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL WaNt Me TwiCe ] ¸.•'´¯) - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego/ Point Loma Incall & Outcall)
*Pleasure Bunny MORNING Specials *Bright Smile* Sexy ;)!! ExotIc Mixed Dream Girl Available 24/7 - 21
(City of San Diego, SAN Diego,Chula Vista Incall)
Pictures are 100% accurate and real. Two beautiful new young girls today! Candy and yoyo - 26
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
💕💕💕😚💎{PERFECT 🍒 eXoTiC🌴petit💦treat}💕 [★] 🍒{Sweet & Naughty}🔥[★]💎 {τθρ Qυαℓιτγ) 💕💕💕 - 23
(North SD County, San Diego, vista,esco,sm,outcalls)
(♥)Nudie Cuties(♥)....• G •_• (♥) •_• R •_• G •_• E •_• (♥) •_• U •_• S.... (♥)Naughty Hotties(♥) - 21
(City of San Diego, XO_Wherever you want us_XO)
╠╣@NDS Down IM T╠╣e BEST Around ••► W/ NÕ RUS╠╣ ••► PRETTY! B!G B00TY, SMAll WAIST - - 23
(South SD County, ChUlA ViStA ••► IC ••► NEW i-5)
N E W P E R F E C T ★ B E A U T I F U L ★ pic 100% real ★ - 26
(North SD County, 702-576-3771 san diego 702-576-3771)
❤________NEW ________ ❤H O T E L ❤ F R I E N D L Y ❤C O M P A N I O N❤_________NEW_______❤ - 22
(City of San Diego, Downtown,Airport , Harbor, Outcalls)
*____ {{ N E W }} **ASiAN** bEaUty _____ LiMiTed TiMe OnLy____ DoNt MiSS oUt_ - 19
(Chula vista incall/outcall all over)
✨Muy Caliente 🔥SEXY Puerto Rican 💋your SWEET escape😘 - 23
(North SD County, DelMar/CarmalValley- UPSCALE INCALL)
(¯`'.¸ ♛ ¸.'´¯) *+* LAST *+* NIGHT *+* IN *+* TOWN *+* (¯`'.¸ ♛ ¸.'´¯) - 19
(San Diego County Wide)
**Last Couple Hours In Town💎💋💦Come Have Some Late Fun💦💦 Don't Miss Out On This Sexy Latina Mami💦👅💎** - 22
(North SD County, Oceanside Carlsbad Vista Camp Pendleton, San Diego)
La Mesa El Cajon City SANTEE♥ PETITE, Fun, Out-Going Playmate! ♥ ---You Wont Be Dissapointed--- ♥♡ - 21
(East SD County, INCALL OUTCALL 8 or 125 FREEWAY)
* ░ * ❤.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ░ * INCALL @ MY PLACE (NO TEXT) PLEASE CALL(619)607-5745 - 33
(@Universty ave exit 15 or 805 FWY, City of San Diego, San Diego)
*°★°* HiGhLy SkIlLeD *☆*°★°*☆* 100% PLEASURE *°★°*☆ DANGEROUS L!Ps*°★°* - 21
(City of San Diego, san diego best new)
HoT cHoCoLiC BuNnY AVAILABLE fOr LiP §eRv IcE & MoRe~! 100 $pecials Yours or Mine?? 200hr - 24
(East SD County, I-8 @ Mission Gorge, and or Yours~!)
*:*:* Hot and Sexy Playmate *:*:* Available Now! - 24
(North SD County, Cardiff, Carlsbad, Oceanside)
♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥💗💋💋😍█ EXOTIC FREAKY MIXED PLEASURE D0LL 💗💕💋💋😍♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ - 19
(North SD County, OUTCALLS all over!!)
EX OTIC-:¦:-80 SPECIALS- -:¦:- ♥ 80 SPECIALS- -:¦:- ♥ 80 SPECIALS♥ EX OTIC - 22
Evening Sensation ... *!* Thick Millatto *!* ... Hott and Ready Now! - 22
(North SD County, Chula Vista)
~!~EVERYTHING YOUR WIFE WONT DO~!~ Puerto Rican g.f.e. Vixxen Avail ~!~CATCH Me While U CAN~!~ - 22
C H E C K M E O U T - 22
(City of San Diego, *** San Diego IncaLL ***)
AVAILABLE NOW√ *((★)) ❤ _______ Latin Barbie ________ ❤ OUTCALLS - 21
(City of San Diego, City Of San Diego OUTCALLS)
*ATTENTION!* UR {! NEW !} MiXxXeD Squirting BeAuTy - Petite,SeXy squirter UnFoRGeTTaBLe 619*415*3356 - 23
(Spring Valley)
Asian & Latina MIXeD* *NEe D T-h-E BEST!!!CoME plAy WitH AlL (Blonde) - 24
(City of San Diego, 8 FREEWAY / COLLEGE AREA / INS/OUTS)