Fri 03 Jan
VISITING★❥★ ▒✘SNeAk✘▒█ █▒✘AWaY✘▒█ & █▒✘CoME✘ █▒✘PlAY✘▒█ VISITING★ ❥★★❥★ ▒█✘ ✘ ▒█ ✘✘ ▒ - 33
(City of San Diego, la jolla)
Voyuers, Couples, or Single... everyBODY welcome. Bobbi and her girls are waiting - 36
(North SD County, Carlsbad)
ViSiTiNG OCEANSiDe☆EXOTIC Curvaceous EBONy ViXeN ; UR Wish MY Command ☆ INcall SPECiAL CALL NOW - 21
(South SD County, OCEANSiDE,Carlsbad ; IN/OUTcall ; 5Fwy)
Very Hot!! ExtrEmLY AdDiCtiVe ((CaLL NoW)) SPECIALS!! - 24
(San Diego, ((HOTEL))¦IN¦((CIRCLE)) & OUTCALLS!! =0))
W🎀 ✰1.0.0% REaL!!-- >>>(((( BeST LATiNA iN TOwN ))) ✰ SPECIALS !! ✰ 🎀Chula Vista - 23
(South SD County, Chula Vista Incalls only !!)
Virgin Tight Naughty Cuban ((Nympho)) Indulge In Sweet Pleasure! (100/Half Hour Special) Point Loma - 23
(Outcalls/SD {{Incall-Point Loma}})
W_A_R_N_I_N_G ☠ ________ E_X_T_R_ E_M_E_L_Y ________ A_D_D_I_ C_T_I_V_E - - - - - - - - - 21
(North County Coastal)
( VeRy ExoTic ) I Aim To Please You. HoStiNg InCAllS iN La Mesa / El Cajon Limited Time $100special - 20
(East SD County, Incall Outcall La Mesa | El Cajon)
____ V.I.P____ BLONDE____ MODEL ____ (( $150 HOUR ))____ N*Y*E ____ INCALL ____ SPECIALS ____ NOW!!! - 18
Visiting BLONDE BUNNY - - - - - - >>100% Real Pics & I'm ALWAYS A Good Time!! - 21
(Mission Valley In/ Out)
Tired of Being Home Alone? Outcall Special* Sessions Starting@ 80 kisses* available now - 24
Today and this evening too ! "in-call" for beautiful Pam - 40
(City of San Diego, Clairemont, La Jolla)
The party is just getting started! 619 244 5982(blonde) !!! 619 8 08 36 72 (brunette) Habla espanol - 21
(San Diego)
The Prettiest PREGNANT & LACTATING Princess Offering Great Incall Specials! Ready 4 u NOW!
tight..*.. PinK..*.. puSSy..*.. Is DriPPINg weT..*.. BiG BoOty LaTIna..*.. ((click here to see)) - 19
"There's a little bit a devil in her angle eye's, She's a little bit of heaven with a wild side" - 25
(City of San Diego, incall avail. when i get the funds 4 one)
THE PERFECT PACKAGE♥•:*¨¨*:• Sexy New Upscale Playmate •:*¨¨*:• ♥ SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL - 20
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista/National City)
🔴⚪🔵Time🕑 is Essence 🔹Just Arrived🔻 Specials🔴 For Callers 🔴⚪🔵(713) 338-9547🔴🔳🔷 Lily🔴⚪🔷 - 41
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San Diego Incall)
~!~THERES No SUBSTITUTE For QUALITY * Puerto Rican/Indian Smooth Operator * 100 INCALL SPECIALS~!~ - 22
TiReD Of All ThE YoUngStErs? NeeD A MatUrE WoMaN Who Is ExpErIeNced & ReAL? - 40
(City of San Diego, hotel circle)
ThIs BooTy Is SuRe 2 PLeASe!!! RaTeS 2 GooD 2 Be TrUe!!!! TaKe A pEEk U wOnT B DiSAppOiNTeD!! - - 35
★.•*¨- : ☆:-•* This Hot Chocolate Will Definitely Warm You Up *•-: ☆: -•*¨★ - 23
(City of San Diego, Mission Beach INCALL& Sd outcalls)
~^~Thick ~ ^ Sexy ~ Islander ^ Will ~ Have ^ Your ~ Heart ^ Racing ~ For ^ More ~^~ - 22
(City of San Diego, lemongrove)
⭐️💋This SWEET, PETITE & BUSTY blonde is feeling frisky!! 💯⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - 30
(City of San Diego, In: Upscale Hotel / Out: SD county, San Diego)
** The Ultimate eXpErienCe ** OUTCALLS all over sd !!!!!! - 21
(City of San Diego, san diego ALL over)
💋💦💦💦🌟 ___________ The Exotic Ms. RuBy____________ 🌟💋💦💦💦 - 23
(Del Mar, La Jolla, Mirmar, MV , Outcall, North SD County, San Diego)
the perfect cuddle buddy china and with in&outcall; rainyday specical all night - 25
(City of San Diego, oceanside-off of mission)
🍭 ✴SWEET🍬💟 BUSTY TREAT 🍭✯★ →→→ B_R_U_N_E_T_T_E ←←← ★ →→→ B_O_M_B_S_H_E_L_L ←←← ★ SHE'S THE ONE!! - 32
(City of San Diego, _________DISCREET OUTCALLS DIRECT TO YOU)
Sweet, Creamy Chocolate melts in your mouth.... (Carlsbad Incall Only) - 44
(North SD County, Carlsbad Area INCALL ONLY)
*~* SWEET & PETiTE *~*_ *~* GORGEOUS ! *~*_DOLLFACE ! *~*_STuNNinG*~* _BEAUTY_!!*~* - 21
(San Diego)
*✨💋Super SeXy ⇨ R��DY T� ⇨ S�TiSF�!! ⇨ MAIN ATTRACTION!! ⇨ √ �ddi�+!V� ⇨ √ F�eAK�⇨* - 20
(City of San Diego, San diego incalls)
❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕❌⭕Super Sweet Asians are the B E S T !!! ✅💋 Lilah knows If you you can handle one 💋🌺 - 25
(Carlsbad OceabSide Escondido DelMar Vist, North SD County, San Diego)
SUPeR HoT Blonde, W/long legs 619 822 6851💋MILF,, Double D's, thinwaist, and a smileing face.🌟BINGO - 40
(City of San Diego, Downtown, gas lamp, little Italy)
* * * ( ( Super ) ) * * * ( ( Smokin ) ) * * * ( ( Stunning ) ) Blonde ! ! ( ( Bootylicious ) ) !!!
~*~SUPER SEXXI SUPER FIRM~*~ Petite Puerto Rican Bombshell ~*~100 SPECIAL Catch ME While U CAN~*~ - 22
SuPeR CuTe & SKiLLeD* ♥ HuGe BOOTY ((BLoNde)) * GoRgEoUs * CURVY ... VaNiLLa TReaT** 70 SPCLS - 21
(City of San Diego, CLAiREMONT incalls)
Sultry brunette sweetheart available to make all your dreams come true! - 25
(North SD County, Oceanside)
Super FRIENDLY,Super Cute,STUNNING Girl Next Door Brown Eyed BEAUTY - 23
**Stunningly Seductive** **Cute & Curvy** **Platinum Blonde Snow Bunny** Call Me 24/7** - 24
(El Cajon)
★ SuPeR FrEaKy ★ GoRgEoUs & KiNkY ★ 100 InCall SpecialS ★ - 19
Super CuTe & SuPer SEXY & SmaLL Waist & Super SweeT % - 18
(City of San Diego, San Diego incall Sea World)
.. SUN. FREAK FEST S T O O P I D (THICK) _YeS!! I LIKE IT IN THE ¿? N@§tY gIrL §PeCi@l (80) - 23
(City of San Diego, COME A L L L over MY aZzzz..(LAMESA))
S⭐K⭐I⭐L⭐L⭐E⭐D 💋Lips💋 T✊I✊G✊H✊T 👅💦Grips💦👅 💎The Perfect SENSUAL Experience 💎⭐ 💎💎SPECIALS💎💎 - 21
(City of San Diego, Hotel Circle➡Mission Valley)
Si papi Outcall 160hr IN80hhrXXX Film Star DDDLatina No Games 24HRS - 28
(North SD County, InClairemont Out SD Ocensd Downtown utc)
💘Sexy💘Beautiful, 💘Talented 💕 - SeXy, BlONde M.I.L.F. BeST sErVice evER! 6198226851 incall - 40
(North SD County, downtown, airport, little Italy, gas lam)
Skip The Tricks & C * U * M Unwrap A Treat :-) InCall: The City Of El Cajon! OutCall Any Where In SD - 25
(City of San Diego, OutCalls All Over SD. InCall Also Avail.)
SIpapi IN80hhr Out160hrAdult Film Star DDDBlonde Latina NOGames24hrs - 28
(North SD County, InClairemont OutOceanside sd Downtown Pb)
SEXY sensual treat you've been craving MY Pictures are authentic Discrete services INCALL 200 130Hhr - 25
(INCALL OUTCALL Scripps Ranch / Poway, North SD County, San Diego)
_______ SEXY SEXY Thai BOMBSheLL !! CLaSsY YounG LaDy !! _____________ - 25
********** Sexy **Southern** BeLL *********** - 25
(City of San Diego, SAn Diego Del Mar Rancho Bernardo)
Si💏 🎍PaPi👅Clairemont 🍹IN60/801/2hr OUT 150hr Film🎥Star🌟DD 👙Latina 🎸🎉NOGames🍸 - 31
(City of San Diego, IN ClairemontOut Oceanside SD PbDowntown, San Diego)
SEXY Silvia 🌴💋😊 Let's Meet ❤️💦Incall/outcall✨ NEW 😏 Brunette HOTTIE 💋 - 20
(North SD County, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Vista, San Diego)