Mon 27 Jan
Hot asian June & Saly -- 3/18 New arrival -- don't miss out - 24
(North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad / Vista)
Hot and Sexy with Exotic Body! Braziallian brunette Down town san diego - 23
(City of San Diego, down town San Diego)
★ Hot & New 100 % Real Mix Of German Italian & Spanish 100 % Real Pics ★ - 20
(50 80 100 Incalls Esconidido)
***** _ HOT ___ HOT ___ PRETTiEST __ __BLONDE ___ GiRL __ _ ONLiNE _ ***** Military Special's Now!! - 18
(San Diego Incalls & Out)
❄︎・ ・❄︎ ・ 'HO HO HO' ・❄︎・ ・❄︎・ enough said . . . & oh, the Mistletoe is still hanging - 48
(North SD County, oceanside. carlsbad. in/OUTcalls, San Diego)
here to please your every desire ••OUTCALL SPECIAL!!! •100$• OUTCAlL SPECIAL!! perfect 36DDs! - 24
(City of San Diego, Your place)
HeLLo GeNt$ * cOmE w/ HigHLy ReViEwEd~ mOuThwaTeRinG * DeLiGhTfUL* $wEET* eYe cAnDy ~ ~ ISIS ~ ~ - 32
💋💋 Hot 100% Independent Sexy Blonde Playmate 💋💋 - 20
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista, National City, East Lake)
~ ~HEY~~~ ~~~YOU~~~ ~ARE~~~ ~~~YOU ~~~ ~~~READY~~~ 4 ME - - 22
(City of San Diego, outcall to your place)
HAVE UR AFFAIR With A Classy Seductive WOMAN ** No RIPOFFS or GAMES** I Will Not Let You Down! - 23
(City of San Diego, hotel circle)
HOT __ __ Blonde __ Beauty __ Ill __ Be __ Your __ New __ All __ Time __ Fav - 22
(Aero dr and outcalls)
Hot 💋*100% 💋INDEPENDENT💯 Sexy Blonde Playmate* 💋 - 21
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista/National City/ EastLake)
❤️😇😍💋 Hot 100% Real SEXY Alejandra for everthing you need l promise in call only80/15 100/30 160/ - 28
(City of San Diego, North park San Diego)
HIGHLY ADDICTING! (¯`☆´) 7o$pEciALs ALL DaY* FLAWLEsS Big Booty * .EBONY ;) - 24
(East SD County, San Diego inCall / Outcall All over)
~~♥Highly DESIRED♥Stunning Playmate♥Simply The BEST!♥~~ - 19
(East SD County, El Cajon/La Mesa area incall specials!!)
•*ღ*• Have This Chocolate Treat for Your Midnight Snack •*ღ*• :: - 24
(City of San Diego, out to you...SD &NC;)
_________ (HaNNaH ) _D_R_o_P ::__★ __::D_e_A_D_::__ ★__ :: G_o_R_G_e_O_u_S :: ( XoXo - 21
(North SD County, OCEANSIDE 78/5 fwy)
Happy Friday! Available now in La Mesa only until 2pm! $100 1/2 Special! DDD's ***Upscale*** - 27
(East SD County, La Mesa)
(San Diego, San Diego, San Diego, HOTEL CIRCLE / mission valley)
¨*:•.★•♥°•HeY BoYS•"Im The Girl DAD Kept A Secret♥• 1000% Special's♥ - 19
(North SD County, Mission Valley incall outcall)
HHr special·.¸♔ ¸.·'´¯) ( T= H= E _ R= O= Y= A=L _ T= R= E= A= T= M= E= N= T ) (¯`'·.¸♔ ¸.call me- - 23
(North SD County, San Diego/ all areas)
* HH IN Specials! * 2 Girl Specials! * Fetishes! * - 32
(City of San Diego, Incall - OldTown; Outcall - Private Home)
Happy Hour with Keira Encinitas 4 to 6 🎁🎄🎁❤️❤️ Del Mar / Encinitas area - 45
(North County, North SD County, San Diego)
😙👄Haley 👄I'm all you need and more!!😘😘😘 - 20
(City of San Diego, I come to you out call only, San Diego)
♥ -:¦:- Great Staff - Excellent Service!! @ Sumiko Spa!! (2629 El Cajon Bl ) █▀ - 27
(City of San Diego, 2629 El Cajon Blvd.)
██ ____________ Hey Boys It's PlayTime !! _____________ yumMy _________ ██ - 21
(All OF San Diego Outcall SPECIALS)
Hello im Nicky My soft lips💋 gorgeous blue eyes, perky natural - 20
(City of San Diego, carlsbad Oceanside)
♥ HeartBreaker ♥ 100% Real.. Precious Brunette.. Look @ my Real Pic's!!! LEAVING SOON - 19
(City of San Diego, VISITING San Diego)
H I G H LY TA L E N TED ♥ H OT & R -E -A -D -Y ---(★ - 21
(¯`♛´¯) ° H_ O _ T °° C _ H _ O _ C _ O _ L _ A _ T _ E ° (¯`♛´¯) Up ALL Night - 19
(City of San Diego, College Grove (INCall))
✨ Green eyes, tall REAL life super freak total package 💣💣 Natural 34DD *Visiting from SF* - 25
(City of San Diego, Down town/Harbor Island/Air Port)
▃▄▅▆▇█▁❤▁█▇▆▅▄▃ 【HIGHLY REVIEWED ~~ 1OO SPECIAL ~~ SOUTHERN SWEETIE PIE】~ ▃▄▅▆▇█▁❤▁█▇▆▅▄▃ - 25
(North SD County, oceanside incall & outcall specials)
🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎HAPPY CUTE Girl 🌺🌺🌺NEW FACE 🌺🌻Lovely Touch👄👄 👄👄👄 SEXY - - 23
(City of San Diego, clairemont mesa blvd, San Diego)
(( H A P P Y )) __ *N E W* __ {Y E A R} __ :N O W: __ (LeTs) __ Get tHe *ReaL PaRtY staRteD* - 22
H O T-:¦:- 80 SPECIALS- -:¦:- -:¦:-♥ 80 SPECIALS- -:¦:- ♥ 80 SPECIALS - 22
Grand Opening!!! - Many Special - We Will Be The Best - Heavenly Spa!!!
(Near SDSU/62th El Cajon Blvd+College Ave)
==== Hazel Eyed Sandy Blonde ==== Perfection Is Here =========== - 19
(point loma - incall - outcall)
Happy Hour Special — *★*— SO HOT ——*★*— SO SWEET @— *★*——SO SEXY——GIRL JUST ARRIVED!!!! - 18
(City of San Diego, San Diego Outcalls only)
H O T__B L O N D E__I N__R A N C H O__B E R N A R D O__*100*__I N C A L L__A L L__N I T E__L O N G!! - 19
—💖—[[ GoRGeouS ]] ——💖——[[ StUnNiNg ]] ——💖——[[ LaTiNA ]] ——💖 ——[[ Outcall Special ]] - 20
(City of San Diego, Outcall Only; All Over SD)
Have this beautiful Italian / Brazilian entertain you with a Delightful Full Body Sensual Massage - 39
(North County Coastal)
💘💋Happy V-Day💋💘〰🎀👑are you looking for that special girl👑🎀 - 21
(City of San Diego, downtown san Diego ( upscale hotel))
█ ▒ ▄ — —H O T —— ▒ █ ▒——— E x O t i C ———▒ █ ▒—I T A L i A N—▒ █ ▒ p R i N C e S S ▒ █ ▒ - 24
★ GORGEOUS ★—————PRETTY FACE —————PeRfEcT BodY —————★ AmAziNg PerSonAlitY ★ sPeCiALs - 20
(City of San Diego, San Diego--- Last Day Here!!)
(( GORGEOUS )) *°♥•° O_N _E __ i_N __ A__ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N • °♥•* (( INDEPENDENT !! )) - 23
^^^Have you ever Been with a Real Colombian Girl?? s Call Now^^ - 21
(City of San Diego, SD,Ocean Side,Point Loma,LaMesa,El Cajon)
☻ H A P P Y ☻ (BiG BoOTy LaTiNa)☻ H O U R ☻80 - 22
((incalls)home ave and el cajon blvd)
💕Got M.I.L.F.! Jackie Brown Does The Body Good! New Pics! 04/25💕 - 49
(City of San Diego, Incall:(Oceanside)/Outcall N.County& SD!, San Diego)
GoT ThAT SuPeR SoAKah PoP LiKe CoLA CoCA PLuS iTS TiGhTeR ThAN A ChoKah ► - 21
(THi$ Pu$$y WiLL DRiVE U Cr@Zy)
*** GoRgEoUs PlAymAtE!! ToP NoTcH PrOvIdEr!! SuMmEr TimE SpEcIaLs aLL DaY lOnG!! - 22
(Mission Valley)