Sat 11 Jan
👑Lip special 🎀Best of the Best💄👑🎀Ready To Serve You🎀 - 23
(City of San Diego, Downtown hosting, East SD County, San Diego)
⭐️💦 100% BUSTY White Girl🔥_NeW_2_ToWN🌹Fun_ 💄 BlOnDe 💄 ___💥Bombshell 💥 - 24
(City of San Diego, DEL MAR, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
★ ToP NoTcH!! ★ SeXy bLoNdE ★ {(Hot Hot SP3CI@LS!)} ★ - 31
(City of San Diego, La Jolla Private / Outcall All Over)
Two Exclusive sexy girls all naked and lonely. come play with us - 19
(City of San Diego, san diego/Mission Valley in/outcalls)
*TUESDAY * daytime Please help with rent ! 130 roses for Luxury In-call for Beautiful Pam - 43
(North SD County, San Diego 15 exit Mercy Rd.)
* * *______ * * * ______ * * * S e X y * * D O L L *N e W * * i N * * T o W n * * *______ * * *____ - 19
(100 Outcalls All Over!!!)
- •♥•--- S U G A R ___ B A B Y ---•♥• - specials~mission valley incall* - 23
(City of San Diego, mission valley in~out all over!)
💋ʏɷųɾ ⓕⓐⓥⓞⓡⓘⓣⓔ💙❕『ᑭεтiтε ßεαuтy』❣️ᗩɖɖıƈɬı۷ɛ 💥ⓑ💣ⓜⓑⓢⓗⓔⓛⓛ💥☆ Ρrεttվ Gírℓ♛♛Avaiℓabℓe ησω ➜➋➍/➆📲 - 20
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San Diego, National City)
👄👄👄 6193092986 👄👄👄 The body Of a Goddess 👄👄👄 💫Dreams Come True!💕 No.1 in Town 💜💜💜💜 Sweet Independent 💜💜💜💜 - 21
(2 Hotties @ Misssion Valley 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜, City of San Diego, San Diego)
Thiick CURVY && N@STY Babe!!!!! LunchTime ** SPECIALS - 19
(North SD County, Escondido (Incall ONLY))
TAKE A°°* »-(¯`v´¯)-» FIRST ✈ CLASS ✈ FLIGHT ✈TO ✈ RELAXATION »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 19
(North SD County, Poway)
►• • • SPECIALS►• • • ►⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛🔥🔥【SeXy Asian PLaYmATe】➖⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ❤【FuN & FRiENDLY】 ❤【💯%ME】🔥🔥 🔥🔥 - 19
(City of San Diego, INS RANCHOBERNARdO/&OUTS; all Over, San Diego)
•:*:• *StUnNiNg •:*:• *BeAuTiFuL •:*:• *sO SExY •:*:• sO pLeAsInG • *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS ● Specials - 24
(South SD County, MISSION BAY)
___ NEW in ToWn ___ PoRn sTaR ___ UltiMaTe eXpeRieNce __ SpeCiaLs ALL nITe - 27
(City of San Diego, Outcall Downtown, Hotel Cirlce, Beaches)
NEW in Town Sexy Latin & Indian Bombshell - 19
(City of San Diego, Scripps Ranch-INCALL , San Diego-OUTCALL)
🎀Most Requested 🎀 SPECIALS TODAY ONLY!🎀 Well Reviewed! 🌟Tall Blonde Portuguese Playmate 6l93l906l8
(City of San Diego, Incalls&outcalls;:mission valley)
🍒Natural 32•Dcup- 100lbs🍒- Elite Petite Blonde European GND~🍒 - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego, SorrentoValley,Mira Mesa-ArrivingWed17th)
MoRnInG SpEciaLs WaTeRmElON SiZeD BoObs~~ThIcK aS a SnIcKers!!!~~ CALL NOW !!! In/Outcalls - 21
(City of San Diego, national city / chulavista)
❤—— × E R Ø T I C × P L A Y M A T € × — × S E X X Y ❤ N A U G H T Y× - 25
(City of San Diego, Mission valley)
Absolutly >==== MIND BLOWING ====< Im More Than Worth It!! ***SPECIALS*** - 21
(North County Coastal)
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✿【 A+ Blonde Playmate 】◄▬★▬►【 ★ HOT & PETITE ★ 】◄▬★☆★☆★▬► SEXY - 24
(North SD County, La Jolla Del Mar Carlsbad OUTCALL only)
9/10 Oceanside (( 909-714-6611)) New asian Susan - 26
(North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad /Vista(near 78 Fwy))
☏ 110% Real Pictures! ♡ ☏ Seductive!! ♡ ☏ Playful, Buxom Brunette for Great rubdown ♡ ☏ TANYA ☏ - 22
(City of San Diego, Out-call's)
100 Specials ** Blondie ** REVIEWED ** Sweet&PeTiTe; **2Girl SpecialS!! - 22
(Encinitas, North SD County, San Diego)
$100 SPECIALS ————————————— GORGEOUS ♥ B L O N D E ..... —————————————— $100 SPECIALS - 21
(City of San Diego, Private Res. INCALLS♥ Mission Valley)
Fri 10 Jan
☆_ YoUr _☆_ nUmBeR *(#1)* _☆_ HoTtesT _☆_ DoMiNiCaN _☆_ FrEaK _☆ - 21
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ xXx * S E X Y * E B O N Y * xXx_ _ _ __ _ _ SMOKING * HOT * S P E C I A L S - 22
❤️Love TS miss SEXY 🌺seeking serious Gentlemen💎 Sexy TS👈🌺 - 24
(San Diego, ✔️ ☎️ San Diego MISSION VALLEY)
24hrsAdult Film Star36dd Hot busty Latina80 specialsNO atittude No games - 27
(North SD County, miramesaclairemont/utc/Lajolla/Oceanside)
SAN DIEGO @@ teeshee is visiting the vieyard city of temecula come and get me @@ - 26
(San Diego, 805 fwy and university av)
@@@StOp @@@ HoT TrAnSeXuAl LaTiNa AvALiAbLe NoW CoMe AnD AnJoY My ErOtIc Ma - 21
(San Diego, by the freeway 15)
You Don't Know What Satisfaction is until You Meet An Asian Beauty Like Me - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego and Surrounding Areas)
== xOxOxOxOxO ===== Rainey Day Specials 150 FULL HOUR WITH HOT BLONDE BROOK ===== xOxOxOxOxO == - 21
What You Always Wanted... SPECIALS SPECIALS SPECIALS... Available All Nite!!!! - 21
*[★ 🍑 TiME iS TiCKiNG 🍒 ★]*⋙«—»*⋘[★ 💠 GiRL 0F Y0UR DREAMS 💠 ★]*⋙«—»⋘*[★ ☎ iS @ Y0UR FiNGERTiPS⏰ ★] - 24
"The Lovely Breezy" "Unforgettable" "Submissive" "Stunning Savannah" at ur service - 33
(North SD County, north county coastal)
::::: ♥ ThE BeST THiNg YoU'LL Do aLL DaY ♥ ::::: !!!!! - - 19
(City of San Diego, east county la mesa)
‿ ↗🔥⁀ ↘{SmOkiN HOT BrUnEtte} ‿ ↗🔥⁀ ↘{eXcePtioNallY ReviEweD}‿ ↗🔥⁀ ↘{AVAILABLE NOW}‿ ↗🔥 - 25
(North SD County, CARLSBAD)
❤ SMOKIN HOT RiCaN/ DoMiNiCaN ✦NO Hassle ♥ BiG BOOTY(¯`'•.¸ ★ ¸.•'´¯) - - - 21
(City of San Diego, Incalls & Outcalls All Over)
( ..... NEW..... )★ ( SwT L!k HoNy °ó §UPR°ó §XY! - 23
(City of San Diego, 8 & 805 Fwy & 163 Hwy - Center of SD)
☑♡ NO BLACK MEN SAN DIEGO Incall party approved Playful Mood Sexy, Addictive, Always Ready For Fun - 25
(City of San Diego, INCALL only 200/hour 130/halfhour, San Diego)
⇨New⇦♥◆•JuiCy T!!Ght && ReaDy :::... Bubble B00Ty◆♥•⇨ THE BADDEST⇦ ❤× THE PHATTEST!! 100%REAL - 19
(North SD County, Escondido (Incalls Only))
•*¨¨*•-:¦: NEW ViSITINg *•-:¦:-•* iTALiAn & spANiSh*•-:¦:-•* SEXy DOll *¨¨*• •-:¦:-•* - 21
(City of San Diego, near pb/ incall)
New pics & video💜BiG SEXY BooTy&BOOBS; 🍭 Beautiful Chocolate Girl💋 Real Pix🍒 NO RUSH🎀Just arrived - 21
(24/7 outcalls your place, City of San Diego, San Diego)
Mature, Classy and Beautiful- Holiday SPECIAL - 43
(North SD County, Oceanside, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
***** (Lovely Sweetheart Brunette) (Special 100 ROSES)***** - 21
(City of San Diego, Hillcrest INCALL ONLY/ 100 rose specials)
Leave work and cuddle with a hot Swede! Amazing reviews! - 33
(City of San Diego, san diego (incall/outcall))
Last day in town catch me while you can mature - 45
(City of San Diego, Hotel cirlcle s mission valley)
- *_+_* LET *_+_* ME*_+_* CATER *_+_* TO *_+_* YOUR *_+_* EVERY *_+_* NEED *_+_* - 23
I am A VerY SEXY Italian pint size Barbie 😘😘😘😘 😘😘😘 😘😘😘😘 😘😘😘😘 😘😘😘 - 29
(City of San Diego, downtown incalls and outcalls, San Diego)
*I Am ONE of a Kind!!!* .. ! (((VISITING))) BUSTY Brazilian Fantasy! - 24
I Do The Things Your Wife Won't Do!!! *:. .:* INCALL/OUTCALL SPECIAL! *:. .:* - 22
(incall in carlsbad/outcalls in sd/nc)
if you desire a mature, intelligent and talented woman/girl - 42
(East SD County, san diego, east county area)