Fri 03 Jan
♥ ♦ ♥ ♦ ♥ SUPER HOT ASIAN BEAUTY --- NEW %%% FrOm*%*%* ChIna - 23 - 23
(San Diego, 8 east fleTcher pkwy)
Super sweet treat! Well reviewed hottie! Available now! - 25
(City of San Diego, in or outcall available)
⬛⬛💨💨SuPeR🔥sIZzling Hot🔥u OnLY need ThE BeSt⬆..NoThInG LeSs⤵💯best,Columbian Mix beauty! - 30
(City of San Diego, All San Diego,all over north n south)
~ * ~ * ~ Sweet Tight Wet Nympho ~ * ~ * ~ Available Today ~ * ~ * ~ Start Your Weekend Right ~ * ~ - 21
(All Of San Diego)
SEXY ___________ 1oo% REAL ___________ EBONY PETITE ________ BARBIE ____ ALL NATURAL!!! - 23
(*Upscale Private Condo*)
❤❤_S w E eT h E a R t_❤ ❤_S W E E T H E A R T_❤ ❤_S w E eT h E a R t_❤ ❤_S W E E T H E A R T_❤❤ - 23
(City of San Diego, Gaslamp, Coronado, Hotel Friendly, 2U!!, San Diego)
-:¦:- (SeXxiNeSS) .-:¦:-. (IN) -:¦:-(EVERY) -:¦:- (WaY-) :¦:-c0me AnD ---;{{pLaY }} -:¦:- - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego Incalls/Outcalls)
Thu 02 Jan
* SPECIAL ** NEW IN TOWN ** Blue Eyed Beauty Ready For You Now ** SPECIALS - 22
(City of San Diego, Chula vista)
♥ PERFECT 10 ♥ ♥ ( 1OO % REAL ) ♥ $100 - 19
(City of San Diego, San Diego Incall.. Outcalls all over)
✮SENSUAL Exotic Ladie✮UNRUSHED ✮ Just U & Me ALONE in my Private Home I Can Cool U down ) SAN DIEGO - 26
(East SD County, INCALL OUTCALL, San Diego)
💕💕💛💛💛P R E T T Y 💕💕💛💛💛 P E T I T E 💕💕💛💛BRUNETTE 💕💕💛💛. G U R L 💕💕💛💕💕N E X T 💕💕💛💛D O O R. 💕💕💛💛 - 22
(City of San Diego, in Bonita out everywhere)
~*~*SWEET~*~* AS~*~* HONEY! NeW BaBe IN Town~*~* Lovely BoMbsheL~*~ Upscale - 21
(City of San Diego, Mira Mar incall)
*♥*~ P U T * ME * O N ~*♥*~ Y O U * R ~*♥*~ T O * D O * L I S T ~*♥* - 22
(City of San Diego, OUTCALLS ALL OVER SD)
💕 👑 Sweet👄🎀☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥ 🎀Upscαℓε❄College 🎀BLONDE🎀 Beauty 💖INCALLS❤🏢🏩💝 - 20
(San Diego, vista / OceanSide / Carlsbad / Fallbrook)
♡♥♡♥♡ Kendra DOll ♡♥♡♥♡ tall & espectacular - 21
(San Diego, San Diego / Hotel Circle /mission valley)
North County Functional Versatile Ts 💄Leila Love Has A 💥💥Explosive 💥💥🍭🍭LollyPOP 🍭🍭to enjoy - 28
(San clemente, San Diego)
NoW !! is time ThE PeRfeCt TiMe To HaVe FuN WhiT ThE SuPeR KINKY faNtAsy GoRgEous IN AND OUT CALSS - 23
YOUR full companionship provider PAYTON INCALL OUTCALL Unrushed toe curling service Party GIRL - 23
(INCALL ONLY, North SD County, San Diego)
Sweet.simple.and real.FL¡RTy ( € X o T ¡ C *)*** Up$c@Le ( FLaWL€Ss * B€AuTy) - 20
(City of San Diego, All of San Diego mission valley el cajon)
¥ Sweet * Sexy * Satisfying ¥ ~~> BÀDÀ§§ Brunette Bombshell --) $100hhr OUTCALLS ONLY - 18
(City of San Diego, OutCalls ONLY!!! $100/30min ALL NITE)
T_A_K_E __o&733;o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o! _A_W_A_Y -drop dead pretty ASIAN - 22
(El camino real in del mar 7143606429)
▃▅▆ SOoo ██▆▅▃ JUICY—$60 SwEet —100%%ME ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ OR ITS FREE%%% —AzZ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ - 23
(North SD County, San Diego Mission valley IN/OUT))
SPECIALS all Night What You've Been Looking For.. Search No Futher - 22
(City of San Diego, outcalls all san diego)
**** SexY BloNDE - SexY BLonDE - SexY BLonDE - SexY BLonDE **** - 27
(North SD County, Escondido incall)
*★*• {(•• *SeXy* •BuStY BlonDe•)} •*★*• {(ReaDy to PLAY •)} •*★*• - 21
(South SD County, National City In Calls!)
° ♥ ° °oO Perfect Latina Beauty ♥ ( Available Now) Oo ° ° ♥ ° ° - 22
(South SD County, Chula Vista .Incalls !!!)
Lunch Time Special, Let's Plat Today In My Room, Not On My Phone - 39
(Escondido, Ca, North SD County, San Diego)
**Early bird special °° Blonde playmate °° 5 star quality for 5 star taste** - 21
(City of San Diego, San diego(outcall only:I come to you))
🚥⚠⚠Dont Be Scared⚠🚥⚠Have A Little Danger ⚠🚥⚠In Your Life⚠🚥⚠7193776222⚠⚠⚠🚥 - 35
(City of San Diego, San Diego, sAN dIEGO incall)
Blonde 💋ADDiCTiVE🌟#⃣1⃣CHOiCE‼️ S💨M💨Ø💨ƙ💨ł💨₦💨N.E.W 💋ADDiCTiVEG🔥ҤØŦ_☜ 💦🍓PERFECTiON 🍒 ☏⒜⒱⒜⒤⒧⒜⒝⒧⒠ - 27
(City of San Diego, San Diego, 👄👄👄 YOUR PLACE👄👄👄or MINE)
#9829; NeW & SexXxY Well Reviwed ♥ HoTT Young Fun ♥ Here To Please You - 21
(OUTCALL ONLY All Of San Diego County)
80$SPECIALS EBONY Caramel Apple Bottom Body Of A Goddess 80$SPECIALS 80$SPECIALS Escondido in/out - - 24
(North SD County, escondido)
80$SPECiALS ★.•*¨¨*•- ☆ DELiCiOUS ,ExQuiSiTe & SEXy BeLiZeAN FrEAk! ★.•*¨¨*•- ☆ SPECiALS - 21
❤ GLAMOUR GIRLS SD Now Hiring! Start working tonight ladies CASH PAY GUARANTEED $$$$$ - 18
(San Diego, San Diego So.CAL Orange County)
██▒██▒██ ██▒██ ✦✦✦ — — 💋💗💋 💋💗💋 SEXY TIME 💋💗💋 💋💗💋 — — ✦✦✦██▒██▒██ ██▒██ - 26
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
*Press Here 2 PLAY* INCALL-La Mesa → BEND ME ↑ FLIP ME ↓ TWIST ME ←KINKY - 21
(City of San Diego, INCALL La Mesa 8/Fletcher Pkwy Outcall)
▬🎀✨•C A N ' T •-:¦:-• G E T •-:¦:-• A N Y •-:¦: B E T T E R • 💗✨2Girl ▬ UP 24HRS 🎀✨ⓈⓀⒾⓁⓁⒺⒹ & ⓇⒺⒶⒹⓎ💗✨ - 22
(City of San Diego, Private incall / Outcall)
BeSt ChOiCe MajOr SkiLlS GoRgEuS FaCe KiLleR CuRvEs SuPeR FuNtIOnAl IN CaLl AnD OuT CaLls - 23
AVAILABLE SATURDAY !!! FEM TS PRINCESS 💗💋💗, super sweet , passionate and your ultimate desire 😘😉😍 - 23
(San Diego, Hillcrest)
A V A I L A B L E❤ N O W!(Hosting of the 78) - 22
(San Diego, North county - Vista,Oceanside,)
🍎💞🍎💞🍎💞🍎💞🍎 💥☀️💥☀️💥 ☀️💥 ☀️💥 🍒Sexy Doll TS perfect body super sweet heart 🍒 ☀️💥 ☀️💥☀️💥☀️💥☀️ 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - 25
(San Diego, 🍁North Park🍁)
BIG BLACK TRANNY D!CK XL TSHOLESTRETCHER😈🎉Top & Bottom 9"CUT🍻I can cum🍌Very Horhy🍌🍌Available now🌸🌸🔥🚨 - 22
(Downtown San Diego, San Diego)
ASIAN DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE... Let me help release your stress.. ASIAN hot body rub.. READY NOW - 22
(Mission Valley Hotel, San Diego)
❣️💦♥️ TS Lucy 100% |Real| FF 10 inch VERS DOM 7208295553❣️💦♥️ - 21
(Mission Valley | Hotel Circle | Hillcres, San Diego)
▉ ▄ ▅ ▄ UPSCALE ExOtic LaTiNa HOTTie *Hablo Español ▅ ▅ ▉ - 22
(City of San Diego, $100 OUTCALL SPECIALS!! ♥)
sO sweet &jUiCY;_____ ☆__FUNSiZE rOsEgOLd BaRbiE ___☆ 24.7 in & OuTCaLLs - 24
(City of San Diego, 24/seVen ♥ kearny mesa incalls)
»——» S*M*O*K*I*N*G ╠╣ot [♥] »——» [ *MEXiCAN / iTALiAN BOMBSHELL* ] = H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD ♥ »——» - 22
(City of San Diego, MIRAMAR | MIRA MESA 15 FRWY)