Fri 10 Jan
****EXOTIC TS With A Big Surprise And DDD's Looking For Fun Gents***** - 23
(San Diego, Mission Valley-Point Loma)
GoRgEuS Ts ReAdy NoW __________ ToP TS BE WORTH IT. _________ DoNt MiSs OuT. SeXy AnGeL. _ - 23
(San Diego, Nortpark Area by the 805 exit freway)
HARD TOPo°O°o°o 8" She TOY - out of shower o°O°oAVAILABLE NOW - 26
(San Diego, 805 Exit El Cajon blvd.)
For those who want the biggest and the best!!! Passible Tall,Dark,and .Denise williams - 19
(m.v hotel circle)
💋DL? ❤Incall/Outcall 24H 💋 ❤100% REAL 💋❤ Drink + PARTY 💋❤ LOVE BEGINNERS 💋❤ FaceTime VERIFY 📲 - 22
(San Diego, San Diego Very Upscale)
BeSt ChOiCe MajOr SkiLlS GoRgEuS FaCe KiLleR CuRvEs SuPeR. /worth it. it. it. it. it. it - 23
transexual TINA 100/REAL i am from *PANAMA* have 8/5INCHES F.F - 21
(City of San Diego, MISSION VALLEY hotl circle south)
treat yourself this morning. here till 11am - 27
(805 and mira mesa blvd, North SD County, San Diego)
★*• U__L__T__I__ M__A__T__E * P__A__M__P__ E__R__I__N__G • * —— * C__A__L__I_-* G__I__R__L* - 25
(City of San Diego, YOUR PLACE)
TREAT YOURSELF THIS FRIDAY!! outcalls only! catch me before 6pm!! - 27
(City of San Diego, San Diego, SD Area)
?? Try A Piece !!! I Can Satisfy any MANS Appetite. Rosecrans St.(Point Loma) - 24
(Point Loma ROSECRANS ST.)
__ __Thursday With Doctor Feel Good !__ _____ - 27
(City of San Diego, Near Qualcomm Stadium 15fwy, San Diego)
❤❤❤ ~ SWeeT ♥ N ♥ DiScrEEt ♥ BrUneTTe ♥ CoLLeGe ♥ CuT!E~ ❤❤❤ - 22
(City of San Diego, city of san diego outcall)
💢💢STOP WASTINGYOURTIME!! Meet A REAL sweet yet KinkY WOMEN💘 OUTcallSs🌟🌟✨✨! Hablo espanol💋💋 - 21
(City of San Diego, East County , Chula Vista , DownTown, East SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, South SD County)
****SEXY Playmates that aim to PLEASE availble NOW! COME PLAY***** - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
Sexy Sophia I am your best choice I'm here for you 100hh 180h - 28
(City of San Diego, Mission valley San Diego, San Diego)
(• • ° ❤ •_S•E•X•Y ° ★•° [ ✔]MIXED HOTTIE★• ° AVAILABLE NOW! ❤~latina mixx~ - 23
(City of San Diego, old town incalls_available now)
*°- Sexy °*PUERTORICAN,__ Mixed _PLAY--MATE _ with a BIG-juicy-BOOTY - 19
(City of San Diego, Mira-Mesa, Mission-Valley, Poway ,Delmar)
sexy REDHEAD l_a_t_I_n_a bombshell WANTS TO COME TO U 100 special - - 20
(City of San Diego, san diego city wide)
Puerto Rican Thick Babe💦💦 Wantinq To Have Fun💋😍😘 - 19
(South SD County, Chula Vista/ib/national city)
Petite 5'4 110lbs EBONY with killers CURVES... bOoTiLiCiOuS... $50 SuPeR!!! specials $80hhr 120hr - 19
(City of San Diego, Fletcher Parkway La Mesa, $40 $60 $100)
National City latina Ruby INCALL & Outcall TWO girls call NOW! Si Hablo Espanol - 21
(South SD County, Chula Vista National City)
%%%NEW 100% real pic Asian Beauful Girl Linda in Town 702-635-4576%%% - 24
(City of San Diego, mission valley / H way 8)
❤•__ ▒NEW▒ ___ •❤• ___ ▒EXOTIC ▒ ___ •❤• ___ ▒SPANISH▒ ___ •❤___ ▒BRUNETTE▒___ •❤___▒NEW▒ __•❤ - 24
(North SD County, Incall & Outcalls)
♡♥•°• ♥♡°•. ♥ NEW ADDICTION ♥ NO RUSH •° ♡♥•°• ♥♡ - 22
(City of San Diego, gaslamp,missionvalley,point loma)
~~! !NatiOnal CiTys FinesT *EbOny* Fantasy!! Fun Sexy Tight and Dripping wet!*^ rEadY 24hrs 4 U! - 19
💞 🐙 💞 Naughty Busty & Waiting For You 💞 🐙 💞 - 20
(Mission Valley Miramar Serra Mesa, North SD County, San Diego)
Naughty Little ITALIAN Loves ALL Filled Making Kitty S.Q.U.I.R.T BUSTY BLONDE BIG BOOTY NYC!!!
(miss val/sports arena/hotel cir/down twn)
☆ °N° __ °E° __ °W° __ ________ COME PLAY________ °N° __°E° __ °W° __ ☆ - 21
(Incall Clairemont)
:¦: :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: - 21
° kinky cutie. YOUR SATISFACTION IS MY #1wish.:- hot 80 - 22
(North SD County, out call north county)
*** **** HOT /// *new* /// BRUNETTE BUNNY // specials 24/7 **** *** - 18
(HOTEL CIRCLE // incalls //)
(City of San Diego, in/sandiego outcall/All Areas sd/nc)
ExoTiC LighT SkiN °**° NoN RuSheD SeSsioNs! °**° QuicK On ArriVaL! °**° AvaiLaBLe ALL DAy - 19
(City of San Diego, Hotel Cirle 8 Freeway / Mission Valley)
🍭💫 💦et & creamy 💦💯 Perfect 💥👌 tight&kinky; 💫💥 Sneak away 💋💫💫 Great specials all nigh 💋💋 - 21
(City of San Diego, La Mesa incall off the 8 freeway outcall, San Diego)
EarlyBird Specials 💏 Same Excellent Quality With Beautiful Islander - 18
(North SD County, oceanside)
$160 Hour/$100 hh •• Bangin(; Bombshell ••• $100 incall today only - 22
(City of San Diego, Clairemont Mesa !$100 INCALL ONLY)
100Specials!!!! ☆BuSty *ღ* BrUn€TT€ *ღ* BomBSH€L[[ L€mm€ Show U how R€al I AM ]]☆ #1C_h_o_iC_€ - 19
(North SD County, vista. i78 spęçiåłš!!!! INCALLS!!!!)
► = J_U_S_T= ____ =W_ H _ A_T= ____ =Y_O_U= ____ =C_R_A_V_E = ◄ - 24
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley Incall)
Visiting town Now come enjoy my 10" Toy the one and only porn star 🍆🤘👄💊 - 27
(Misson valley, San Diego)
(_______SuPeR GoRgEus HoT Ts AvAlIaBlE NoW FuLl FuNtIoNaL ReAdY NoW _____).. - 21
(San Diego, by the freway 15)